House Uys
Previous Next House Uys RUSTIC RENOVATION This property is located in Hartenbos in the beautiful Garden Route of South Africa and was renovated with the idea of maximizing the existing spaces and re-using existing elements. The clients wanted natural rustic effects throughout the home and can be found in the main bedroom with the exposed […]
House Kruger

Previous Next House Kruger Home Renovation House Kruger wanted to renovate their existing Hartswater home, they wanted a more modern look and more space. We improved the house to allow in more natural light and we used natural materials in the finishes of the home, to exclamate the timeless features. The double storey house was […]
House Heidtman

Previous Next House Heidtman HOUSE PLANS This property is located on an exclusive area in Plettenberg Bay with uninterupted views over the Historic Beacon Island Hotel, Main beach and Piesang Valley Estaury. The renovation of the existing home added an enormous value to the property and neighbour properties. The modern building plans included three storeys […]
House Venter

House Venter HOUSE PLANS AND PRINCIPAL AGENT 4 BEDROOM DESIGNER & PRINCIPAL AGENT NADIA D’ELBOUX LOCATION: NATURE’S VALLEY PROJECT AREA: 180m² YEAR: 2011 Share on facebook Share on twitter Share on linkedin Share on email Before
ATKV Holiday Units

Previous Next ATKV Hartenbos holiday units Superb beach holiday accommodation units The Hartenbos ATKV is beachfront property of which we did the upgrade of their Rondawels into 4 star Holiday Units. There are also one bedroom and three bedroom units available as well as units for disabled guests. I have allowed each unit to have […]